Experiment and Explain with how Newton's Laws of motion apply to the physical world.
Eliminating External Variables:
The external variables in this experiment are my puppy thinking that I am playing with her and stealing the balls once I roll them, having to restart the ball being rolled because it drifted too far to the side so that it would not hit the wood, and the ball not traveling in a straight (direct) line to knock into the wood piece(this third one i did not think of until after completing the entire experiment.To eliminate the first external variable I locked my puppy in her crate. For the second I just had to concentrate on rolling the ball in a way that it would hit the wood piece. For the third what I should have done was make borders around the ball so that it traveled in a straight line.
Problem: How does the mass of a ball effect the distance a piece of wood moves?
Hypothesis: I think that the basketball will move the wood piece the farthest because its mass is the greatest therefore it will move the wood piece further than a ball with less mass.
IV- The mass (size) of the ball that is to move the wood piece.
DV- Which ball moves the piece of wood the farthest
CV- distance ball has to gain speed, size of wood piece, weight of wood piece, shape of wood piece, amount of force used to push the ball,
- Laptop
- piece of wood
- basketball
- soccer ball
- tennis ball
- golf ball
- centimeter ruler
- tape
- Gather all materials.
- Set up the wood 100 centimeters away from where the ball is going to start.
- Mark the starts position of the wood with a piece of tape and mark the point where the ball is to start.
- Set up both the ball and the piece of wood on their designated piece of tape.
- Roll the basketball at the wood.
- Measure how far the basketball moved the piece of wood.
- Record the distance in a data table.
- Repeat steps 4-7 two more times for more trials.
- Repeat steps 4-7 three times for the golf ball, the tennis ball, and the soccer ball.
- Clean-up the supplies from the experiment.

In the first trial the results showed that as the mass increased, the distance the wood piece moved also increased. The non-factor was the directness of the route to hitting the piece of wood. In each of the trials the ball may not have rolled the same distance or may have lost some of its force to push the piece of wood by using its energy to not go straight at the piece of wood.
Conclusion and Meeting the Proficiency:
I wanted to find out how Newton's Laws effected the physical world. To do this I set up a problem to see which type(mass) of ball would move the piece of wood the farthest. I hypothesized that the ball with the most mass, the basketball would move the piece of the wood the most and in this experiment my hypothesis was supported. None of the other types of balls with lesser masses even came close to the 43.5 centimeters that the basketball moved the piece of wood. The ball with the next highest mass, the soccer ball moved the piece of wood only 30.4 centimeters. During the experiment the balls wood drift too far to the side so I would have to reset the trial so that the ball would hit the piece of wood and not just roll by it. If I did this experiment again I would have something border the sides so that the ball would travel the least distance to hit the wood piece, therefore it would hit the wood with the most possible force and maybe the results would turnout a little differently.
Newton's first law applies to the physical world by the moving object continuing to keep moving until it ran into the wood piece which demonstrated a counter force cause the balls straight forward motion to slow down and eventually either stop or roll to the side. Newton's second law applies because the more mass the ball had the farther the wood piece was moved. A ball with more mass has more force therefore the ball with the most mass will move the wood piece the furthest. Newton's third law applies because when an object (the ball) crashes into another object (the wood piece) both objects will either stop or switch their direction of movement which may counter to smash into each other like a car crash for instance.
Proficiency #2
Experiment and Explain with how friction and gravity apply to the Newton's laws of motion.
Eliminating External Variables:
To eliminate external variables in this experiment I will use the same type of marble so that the mass doesn't effect the speed of decent. The track will also not be moved into a different position than it was originally so that the distance also stays the same. I will block of the room in which the experiment is taking place so that it is not disrupted by someone possibly tripping and knocking the track along with the possibility of having a slight breeze of someone rushing past as it is going down the track even though the chance of this is very slim.
Problem: What impact does the surface of the track have on the amount of time that it takes to reach the bottom?
Hypothesis: I think that when the track is covered in cling wrap that the marble will reach the bottom the fastest because the foil it the most slick surface which should make the marble travel faster.
IV- What the surface of the track is.
DV- time to reach bottom
CV- Length of track, person timing, input force
Control- track without anything on it.
4-5 feet of track
Cling Wrap(saran wrap)
Paper towel
toy car (that fits on track)
masking tape
1. Gather all materials.
2. Setup the track, with a slightly angled slant.
3. Send the car down it while starting the timer.
4. When the car comes to the end of the track stop the timer. Record the time in a data table.
5. Repeats steps 3 and 4 two more times.
6. Cover the track with Cling Wrap (use tape to secure if needed).
7. Then repeat steps 3 and 4 with the track covered in Cling Wrap.
8. Cover the track with paper towel (use tape to secure if needed).
9. Then repeat steps 3 and 4 with the track covered in Paper towel.
10. Clean up the experiment.
In the trials the results showed that as the substance (forming friction) became more known (more in the way) the struggle that gravity had to pull the car down the track also increased. The non-factor and reason there are differences in the trial times was because the substance placed on top of the track moved and was difficult to keep in the same place. Another reason for such difference especially when there was nothing on the track was whether or not I saw the car the exact moment it finished going down the track.
Conclusion and Meeting the Proficiency:
In this experiment I wanted to find out what impact the surface had on the amount of time it took the car to get to the bottom of the track. Originally I thought (as seen in my hypothesis) that the slicker surface created by covering the track with Cling Wrap would allow the car to descend more quickly. During the experiment both the cling wrap and the paper toweling tended to bunch up tremendously causing the car to slow down drastically before it even reached the bottom of the track, therefore my hypothesis was not supported this time around. Although the cling wrap should logically be a slicker surface it interfered with the motion of the cars wheels slowing it down. If I do this experiment again I will spend more time setting up the surfaces because this time around I rushed a little setting it up so that it wasn't as accurate as it should have been. Throughout the experiment the friction caused the toy car to be limited to how fast it could go, slowing it down on some surfaces and speeding it up on others.
The friction that is present cause the car to slow so the acceleration is slightly different as the friction becomes more known. In Newton's first law, depending on the surface, friction is the unbalanced force that slows the forward motion until it eventually comes to a complete stop. For Newton's second law pretty much the same thing happens with the acceleration then turning into deceleration and the force friction has on each of the different surfaces causes the car to decelerate more quickly. Finally for Newton's third law once the friction stops the car the car stays where it is not moving.
The gravity that is present in this experiment pulls the car down the track. For Newton's first law gravity pulls and pulls on the car until it can get no lower; so when the car comes to the bottom of the track gravity no longer keeps the car moving gravity's force stops the car from continuing on with the help of friction constantly slowing it down. In Newton's second law the car goes faster at the beginning of the track because of the height gravity pulls down on it more and then once it is closer to the bottom (as far as gravity can get it) the acceleration lessens as does the pull that gravity had on it. Finally for Newton's third law the gravity is pulling the car down and keeping it moving forward and at the same time friction is holding it back with the same amount of force which eventually gets the car to come to a stop.
Proficiency #3
Experiment and explain with the relationships between speed and acceleration.
Eliminating External Variables:
In this experiment there are not too many external variables. One of the external variables that needed to be and was eliminated was the fact the as the starting point needed to be higher the stand was wobbly. To remove this factor I taped down the stands at the beginning to reinforce some of the stability. Another external variable is the stopping and starting of the stopwatch being timed accurately. This was difficult to eliminate but to get rid of it I need to be paying very close attention to it so it began and ended at the correct point of time.
Problem: What impact does the angle of decent have on the rate of deceleration?Hypothesis: I think that the lower the angle of decent the faster the marble will decelerate because the marble will have less speed pushing it forward.
- laptop
- marble track
- timer
- centimeter ruler
- glass marble
- calculator
- protractor
- tape
DV- Distance marble travels (after end of slope)
CV- length of track, unit of measurement, type of marble, surface(after slope),
- Gather all materials.
- Set up the track at a 25 degree angle.
- Let the marble go at the top of the track and start timer.
- Stop the timer when the marble falls off the track.
- Use the formula D=rt to find the final velocity.
- Divide the final velocity by the time it took to reach the bottom. Record this number in the data table.
- Repeat steps 3-6 two more times for further trials.
- Reset the angle of the track to 10 degrees and then repeat steps 3-6 three times.
- Repeat steps 3-6 three times for each angles at 5 degree and 75 degree angles.
- Clean-up supplies from the experiment.

In the trials the results show that as the angle of decent increased the rate of acceleration increased and the rate of deceleration decreased. In this experiment the non-factor was also the time that the timer was stopped as the ball came to the end of the track. The degree of decent caused the speed and the more speed the more acceleration. There is nothing you can do if you blink for a moment and your reaction time is not dead on to the instant the ball comes to the end of the track.
Conclusion and Meeting the Proficiency:
To learn about the relationship between speed and acceleration I set up a problem that allowed me to find what impact the angle of decent had on the rate of deceleration. I then hypothesized that the lesser the angle the faster the marble would decelerate. In this experiment my hypothesis was supported as when the track angle was at five degrees the marble's rate of acceleration was significantly less the the other two respectively. The lower the acceleration the faster the marble decelerates or slows down. Therefore with the five degree angle the average rate of acceleration was 15.29 cm/s/s, with the ten degree angle it was 31.01 cm/s/s, and the twenty-five degree angle was 76.71 cm/s/s respectively.
Remember that as the acceleration rate increase the deceleration rate also increases because it is not like something that can just stop on a dime. The results are supported by the fact that the larger the angle of decent the more speed the marble gains and when the amount of speed is increased so is the rate of acceleration and the rate of deceleration.
If I did this experiment again I would do a couple things differently. First of all I would change the angles of which I use; the ones that I used were by no means drastically changed and were similar enough that the difference between rates of acceleration was more slim than I would expect it to be with different angles used. Secondly I would use a different type of track because the one that I used was fairly flimsy.
There are several relationships between speed and acceleration. One of the most easily noticeable relations is when that to find the acceleration the speed is need in the formula. Another is that (assuming that you the initial force is zero) the more speed an object has the more acceleration it will also have, so when the marble travels down the track at a faster speed the marble has more acceleration.
Proficiency #4
Experiment and explain with how simple machines utilize mechanical advantage to transfer energy.
Before we start the process of the Rube Goldberg each and every part has potential energy. The entire machine starts with Alaina lowering the kickball using the pulley and swinging it. When the pulley spins the potential energy it had transformed into kinetic energy. As the kick ball hits the thing mabobber attached to the whatchamacallit; which translates to the kickball hits the sound pipe thing that is attached to the PVC pipe that is in the shape of at lower case "t" and is place in a plastic cup allowing it to spin, therefore when it is hit the screw turns release the golf ball, all the while changing the potential energy into kinetic energy. From there the golf ball rolls down through a screw/ incline plane; a wooden thing (courtesy of Hannah and Maggie's wooden creations that hot glue tends to be hot and burn you)that goes in a downward direction and circles back upon itself. From there the golf ball holds onto the kinetic energy as it rolls across the tile and comes to the first segment of dominoes. The dominoes are an example of a lever and as the first that is an example of potential energy that continues through each of the dominoes turning into kinetic to fall over and hit the next but as it knock the next one over it changes gives the energy it has to the next domino and it's energy turns back into potential energy. After this continues through this first small section of dominoes the final domino runs into another golf ball that gets its opportunity for kinetic energy but only for about half a foot. Then the golf ball runs into more dominoes (levers). Past the final domino is a Gobstopper box which the domino knocks into changing the potential into kinetic. Then the tennis ball that the Gobstopper box changes into kinetic energy also as it rolls to knock into more levers (dominoes) that are changing from potential to kinetic the dominoes run into a long stick with a spoon and some duct tape attached knocking it into even more levers (dominoes) all the while transferring the potential energy into kinetic. The final domino in this segment falls hitting a marble that goes down a Skyrail changing the potential energy into mechanical energy. The marble then runs into a Lego car that has potential energy and is the example of a wheel and axle, transforming the energy into kinetic. As the car rolls down a tilted book (incline plane) an runs into more dominoes changing the energy (potential to kinetic). Then final domino again hitting a marble the turns into kinetic energy as it rolls down an incline plane finally accomplishing hitting the cowbell.
Rube Goldberg from Georgie on Vimeo.
Proficiency #5
Effectively explain how alternate forms of energy can be utilized to influence the United States energy needs.
(A/N: Finally all done!!!! I think/hope!!!!!)
The United States needs to become a greener country, with all the natural gas that is released from here into the atmosphere the pollution is much greater than it is in other areas of the world. We need to learn to and use alternate forms of energy such as wind, hydro power and solar energies. In different area of the country different forms of energy are more successful. This process would be somewhat lengthy, expensive and intricate to start but in the long run it would be much more inexpensive. When the United States converts to a different type of energy, solar power, as their main source everything will run more smoothly.
Solar power is the energy that is generate from the sun. To generate the power from the sun black tiles on the roof of the building where they will be exposed to the sun for as much time as possible. There is very little pollution and waste that comes from a solar powered building and if it is built well and correctly it can generate enough power to run an entire other building with still access energy to go. Think of this...if the United States built every new house with solar technology and the houses that are rebuilt.
If we build houses similar to the S.KY BLUE House built for the Solar Decathlon at the University of Kentucky the US would be a much greener place. The house generates too much energy for just itself so it can power entire other buildings; this would allow some of the older buildings and houses to not have to be rebuilt/remodeled. S.KY BLUE house has a unique design that allows to to absorb the most energy possible, with the solar panels on the top of the house being added to a board that tilts depending on the location of where the house is located, this adds to the amount of energy that is absorbed from the house.
In this house, the S.KY BLUE house the inhabitants control everything about the way the energy it utilized to make the most desirable living conditions for the people living there. The houses that we (the country {US}) create would be good to allow as much natural light into the house as possible. This would allow the houses to generate, and store as much energy as possible for the times at which there isn’t sunlight to create energy from (night and during storms when the amount of light is slim).
Everything in the houses would be run by the solar powering. Heat and air conditioning are powered by parts connecting to thermal storage tanks. The tanks will store all of the energy that is generated by the house and the tanks are what make it possible for the houses to power other building and objects needing energy in the form of electricity or otherwise. The S.KY BLUE house was created using Kentucky’s historic and indigenous breezeway design but that could be change varying from place to place, state to state.
As the team that created this house says, “The S.KY BLUE house was created by Kentucky but it’s really for the world.” That pretty much sums up the fact that even though they created the house and have made it successful they want this to be for the entire world. In the future they would like to see their house as the starting point for a new so called world.
The solar panels when being used bring in and transform the sunlight into a usable electricity. More specifically the solar panels bring in solar radiation which they transform into electric energy and sometimes they store the extra in batteries that we can use in daily life. As you can now clearly see the solar energy is very efficient and for the long term will be very beneficial to our society. The only downside would be if there was an area that did not have sun for a very long portion of time.
Sources for Proficiency Number 5
"University of Kentucky Solar Decathlon: s.ky blue." University of Kentucky - Welcome to the University of Kentucky. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2010..
" What are solar panels?." Solar Panels. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2010..
The solar panels when being used bring in and transform the sunlight into a usable electricity. More specifically the solar panels bring in solar radiation which they transform into electric energy and sometimes they store the extra in batteries that we can use in daily life. As you can now clearly see the solar energy is very efficient and for the long term will be very beneficial to our society. The only downside would be if there was an area that did not have sun for a very long portion of time.
Sources for Proficiency Number 5
"University of Kentucky Solar Decathlon: s.ky blue." University of Kentucky - Welcome to the University of Kentucky. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2010.
" What are solar panels?." Solar Panels. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.
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