A/N: As we come to the close of the two years we have spent in middle school we had to write on final piece about all of it so that would be what I am putting here.
Middle School. Lasting only a short two years but seeming so much longer while we are there and now that it is coming to an end it seems that it has gone by all to fast. Experiences that will be remembered forever and days that will just be forgotten and added into the abyss of other days. These days are the last days that we will ever be considered middle school student. This is where all of it ends.
Looking back now on these two marvelous years of life so much has changed, probably for the better too. Friendships and bonds with other people have broken just so new ones can form, others have been weak all along until now when they have been strengthened. All of the things that have been done are done and can both influence what happens going on in life and not influence it at all. Much has stayed the same and much has changed, it is almost hard to explain.
Looking at the people around you, they are all the same people with the same stories as they had back in elementary school butt now in this time it all seems to be completely different. Although the goof-off are still the goof-offs, the quiet people are still just as quiet, the people who excel in athletics are still in roughly the same position with the exceptions of the people who have moved to the school and been added in. Everyone is still the same only now they are older and have dealt with more difficulties and can handle all of this better.
Taking each step one at a time all of this may change going on in life. Being in high school with new people who have never been in the same school and in the same classes as you. It will be different maybe better and maybe worse but only the future will tell. Having had this class everything will be affected to a positive hopefully.
All classes in middle school have taught something but to tell the truth nothing has affected the future more than this class, the Advanced Language Arts class. Coming for nothing to something in writing skills, reading skills, and speaking skills. Each and every one of these topics has improved tremendously since coming in as a seventh grader not really wanting to learn anything and thinking that there is almost nothing to learn left. This was the way that I came into this class and looking back I am completely ashamed of thinking that way.
I have gone from someone who is unable to do anything that really interesting to myself without cranking it out to someone who may struggle but once find something to write about can breeze through it. Using topics found that are affecting me or even given to me has changed this year so much and has forced me to become a better writer all around. This class has by far taught me the most whether it was figuring out how to manage my time on my own, write a poem mocking a poet, or write a well thought out essay that has the ability to make the reader think about everything that is said.
Looking back now at before the time I had spent in this class, I have changed drastically at the way I even look at the world. Sure we didn't only learn about writing essays and spelling and all of the boring stuff that we did back in elementary school , but we learned about some of the things that we wanted to learn or had heard about but in depth more. Learning about the history of the English language or the symbolism of all of the fictional creatures that we are reading about in current literature. The workshop/ lecture style environment has been helpful for letting us accomplish this.
Going on into the future after having this class makes me think, what do I really want to do in life and how am I going to accomplish that? Back in elementary school and even the first semester of middle school if I was asked what I wanted to do when I grew up I would have the same answer every single time. When I grew up I wanted to go to a really good school that was out of state and after that I wanted to go into something in the medical field and that was set in stone for me. However now when I look ahead to my future I have little clue what I am going to do because having this class has made me think about what I want in my future. There are so many places I could go and so many things that I can do but now the only thing that I know for sure is that I will live for each day and hope that the future holds something that will intrigue me and keep me interested, and that I will for sure go to college somewhere.
Maturity. Yes that is present even more significantly present in my life now than it had been in the future. Not about the social point but the educational point. After going through this class I can listen to any person talk about almost any topic and be mature enough to listen intently and not make a side comment that isn't appropriate to the topic. Taking what people say into consideration, even if it has no importance to me is important and letting thoughts come together not just turning down things before knowing what the real reason is. This is all part of the long run and creating a reputation that I can hold to. All of this goes to show how much I have grown through the years now having the maturity that was not there previously.
Honestly middle school has been one of the best experiences that I have ever had. Especially with having teachers who have learned about the type of student that I am and learning that if I don't get pushed to my limits that I won't try hard enough that it truly effects anything. As much as the whole middle school experience has effected me, now I know for sure that the class I have learned the most in, the class that I have enjoyed the most, and the class that has forced me to challenge myself the most has to have been the class that I am writing this whole piece for, this Language Arts class.
Final Reflection Piece
13 years ago
You know, I am so proud of the way you can openly conduct a self-assessment like this. I agree with your perspective; I can see those same things having changed for you. You are the master of your fate, and you are the driver of the mechanism that will determine the direction your fate must follow. Your writing and reading skills are merely tools to help you divine the path.
ReplyDeleteI am proud to be your teacher.