As you walk through the the deserted wood you are completely engulfed by trees with no sign of civilization within over ten miles. The rustling leaves crunch underneath your feet as you wander aimlessly off the path and into uncertainty. While you listen to the peaceful singing of the birds, you only then begin to take in your breathtaking surroundings. All the leaves are just beginning to change from green to red, yellow, orange, and brown. Your feet carry you to a tree stump where you decide to sit and think. For only a short amount of time you think because as soon as you pull out your book, your mind is no longer consumed in your surroundings but is living the action of the book. The forest is so still and quiet you always find some excuse to come out into it and lose yourself within a good book.
This is really good! You were really descriptive so it gave you a clear visual of what you were talking about and you could almost picture yourself there. Great job! :)
This is really good! You were really descriptive so it gave you a clear visual of what you were talking about and you could almost picture yourself there. Great job! :)